Thursday, April 30, 2015

Well, Beat Me Like a Meringue...

I can't help it. I must shout it from the rooftops and annoy anyone within six feet of me with the details, the shock, the thrill, the...Tatiana Maslany. Did I say Tatiana Maslany? And then some more Tatiana...playing Tatiana while Tatiana is playing Tatiana and Tatiana is sick and Tatiana is kidnapped and Tatiana...AGHH! You get the picture. All these Tatianas?

If you are not an Orphan Black fan, this is probably not the blog for you as evidenced by the blog name. At least right now. While I will spend time on other TV shows and forms of entertainment, I'll be honest: right now my obsession with the spectacular clones of Orphan Black takes the cake. How can it not? When you have an actress who plays clones so convincingly...

...not including the ones that have only been mentioned or touched upon, it is hard not to fall in love with every single one of them. Having been pumped about this season for so long, I have to share my thoughts, my guesses, and my geekdom before it explodes. You see, on Saturday nights you'll find my family gathered around the television, waiting on 8pm. We plan dinner ahead of time, we rehash last week's episode, we totally geek out thinking of all the possibilities. That's just before the show begins. After? We watch it again where we can pause and discuss, and we have a blast sharing a show we all love so dearly.

I hope you love this show as much as we do, and I'm excited to hear the thoughts of other fans. Orphan Black's fandom is growing and those of you who haven't jumped on the wagon? You're missing out on the best show on TV.

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