Monday, May 11, 2015

10 Most Memorable Moments from Orphan Black Episode 3x04 (in GIFs)

Whether they're cringe-worthy, gasp-inducing, or tear-jerking, there were many memorable moments in "Newer Elements of Our Defense." I think we all agree on the most emotional moment of the episode, but let us not overshadow the other great moments of last week. Relive each important moment in the following GIFs.

Sarah sticks her finger in Mark's leg.

Mark gets his bullet removed the hard way, then touches foreheads with Sarah.

Helena sees Parsons for the first time.

Gracie has a miscarriage...

...and momma don't give a fuhh.

Alison and Donnie find out Ramon took their money, leaving them on the hook.

We find out Johanssen was Duncan's lab assistant...

...and his wife Bonnie had a clone baby.


Helena meets Parsons and sees what they've been doing to him...

...and puts him out of his misery. "Shhh.... Sleep lamb chop, sleep."

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