Sunday, May 10, 2015

Orphan Black Episode 3x04 Recap: Sweatier Than Usual

Whew! Take a few deep breaths after the wild ride that was "Newer Elements of Our Defense," then scroll down for observations and recap. If you haven't seen the episode 4, SPOILER ALERT. I cannot be held responsible if you read ahead. Please don't. Go watch it, then come back and read.

We're going to take this from lighthearted to heavy this week, starting with Cosima. After a catch-up chat with Alison, Cosima talks to Scott about how she cannot decipher Dr. Duncan's work in The Island of Dr. Moreau. At this point, we know they're trying to use the information he left, but we've not seen them discuss the issue. Now it's evident that they're making no progress because either they
need a key or Dr. Duncan was crazy. There's no question that the answer is waiting to be found, and I know that with a little help, they'll find the answers they are looking for and more. 

Felix comes in and calls Cosima out on having a pity party over Delphine. In true Felix fashion, he comments on her sweater by saying she looks like she was "mounted by a llama" and then takes her out to his usual bar for drinks. He tries to get her on a dating app, but she declines even after he explains that she just needs a "scratching post." I really feel for Cosima and Delphine. Delphine is trying to keep Cosima and her sister safe, thereby giving up their relationship to save the woman she loves. Cosima has to understand that, but I know it doesn't make it any easier. I have a feeling those two aren't question finished yet.

Alison and Donnie find themselves in a bit of a predicament when Ramon's supplier tracks them down. Donnie says someone had been following him after Alison asks why he is sweatier than usual. Alison, afraid is Marci, suggests they move their incriminating evidence. Donnie suggests the storage building "like on Breaking Bad," so they label and pack up all their stock. As they're loading it up, the man following Donnie reveals himself and tells them that his boss wants to meet them tonight. Apparently, Ramon ran off with their money when he was selling on consignment. They agree. It's hilarious to see Alison's matter-of-fact,
controlling nature as this occurs. Donnie whines about carrying the heavy stuff, so Alison takes it off his hands and handles it like a boss. Then, when the man goes to throw his sandwich wrapper down in her backyard, Alison holds out her hand and takes it. No littering at the Hendrix residence.

Later that evening the two are parked and waiting to meet Ramon's supplier. Donnie pulls out a gun from the glove box, and Alison immediately protests: "you brought a gun to a drug deal?" Yes, I guess that's abnormal, Alison? She even reminds him about his previous gun use: "do you remember what happened the last time you had a gun in the car?" She then gets searched before entering the car of the drug dealer, who turns out to be her old boyfriend from high school. Right off Alison turns on the charm, and when it's time to get down to business, she offers to make his money back and double his business. That's our Alison: charming yet cut throat and quick on her feet.

Gracie is back with her mother and others from her compound. Apparently, a man let them into his home and he helped birth Gracie years ago. He touches her stomach when she first arrives, and by the change of his expression, he knows something is wrong.

Later, Gracie has a miscarriage and her ever loving mother tells her that the only reason she was allowed into the home was because of her child. She is no longer welcome, so Gracie will be out on her own next episode. I'm sorry Gracie, but you have to get over this brainwashed crap, find Mark, and accept that the clones are people just like you. Your father and family were the abominations, not the clones. Gracie and Mark were right for each other, in my opinion, and I truly hope they find their way back together.

Sarah is hiding in the barn from our angry mother Mark-shooter at the start of the episode. She slips out to check the field and finds Mark shot. He tries to deny her help, but being that she needs information from him, she helps him to an abandoned home so he can care for his wounds. Sarah is recruited to help him remove the bullet from his leg, letting Mark guide her through it. "Okay, stick it in fast. It'll hurt less," Mark says as he braces himself. "God, you must be one hell of a first date," Sarah responds as she takes a swig of liquor. She finds the bullet with her finger first, then uses a pair of pliers to remove it. The up close shot looks terribly gross and painful, easily making the audience cringe. But this is nothing compared to what happens at the end of this episode.

There's a tender moment after the removal where Mark leans his forehead against Sarah and thanks her for her help. He's in pain and he knows more than anything that Sarah wants information from him, but it gives me the feels. This is a moment that gives me hope that our two clone sets are going to eventually open their eyes and work together because together, they'd find their answers and be unstoppable. This is one of the many scenes in this episode where I think that Tatiana and Ari play off each other so well. The more I see these two together, the more I really love the choice to cast Ari as the Castor clones. Ari had big shoes to fill opposite Tatiana, and so far he is doing a terrific job.

During and after the bullet removal, Sarah gets vital information from Mark. She learns of Mark's undercover operation with the Proletheans and that he was searching for original Castor DNA
samples that Johanssen stole. When he mentions that he found something, Sarah leaves a passed out Mark to find the documents back at his hotel room. She finds documents that show he was Duncan's lab assistant and notebooks that documented the process Johanssen used to create a clone from the Castor sample. A picture shows a pregnant Bonnie Johanssen, seemingly carrying the child. When Mark tracks Sarah down, she asks about Henrik having a son. Mark confirms this and takes her to the child's grave, proceeding to hold Sarah at gunpoint as she digs up the child's coffin. During this time they chat and Mark asks why she is trying to save someone she tried to kill. Sarah says what we all know: Helena is only that way because she was trained to kill. She calls Mark brother, but Mark insists that he's not really her brother, which leads to a few questions. Does Mark know more about their origins and that's why he is saying this? Or is Mark in denial?

Just as Sarah pulls the coffin out of the dirt, Rudy shows up and threatens her as Mark is passed out again from his wounds. When they open the coffin, they do find a child's bones which we assume are
of the clone's; however, we know nothing is easy in this show. Sarah hits Rudy with a shovel and runs into the barn where Rudy mocks her about Kira looking for her mother and eventually slams her head against a post. Mark comes in to seemingly save the day, and we learn that Mark is Rudy's superior officer. They seem to have a love-hate relationship, but Rudy listens to Mark's orders. Before they leave with the infant's remains, Rudy says that they don't leave loose ends and Mark agrees. The last we see of Sarah is her fearful expression as the two look down on her. Here's the thing: I don't really think Mark is betraying her. I think Mark is playing the game to first complete his mission so he might be able to leave the army and then bring Sarah to Helena since that's what she wants. With Sarah helping Mark, I really think he may be more help to her in the future.

Sarah may have most of the action this episode, but Helena showed everyone in the audience again why we love her so much. She's a compassionate soul who just wants to love and be loved. First, Helena identifies the importance of her porkchop bone. Guess the fans were guessing right this week!
Helena intentionally freaks out in her cell so she will be moved to the health ward and can scope out the place for escape. They give her a shot to calm her, but our smart Helena has tied off her arm so that it won't immediately put her to sleep. This gives her time to snoop around the compound, where she catches sight of Parsons, a Castor clone under medical experiment, before passing out back in the medical room. Later, we see Helena whittling the bone with her teeth so she can use it as a key to leave her cell and attempt to escape the compound. Honestly, I hope we haven't seen the last of that bone. It would make a "killer" weapon when used by this skilled assassin.

The most heartbreaking and chilling scene this episode comes from Helena and Parsons. Instead of immediately escaping once she uses her bone key, she goes right back to see Parsons. She pulls back the cap on his scalp to reveal his open brain poked with electrodes. Parsons begs her repeatedly, "kill me" and you can see the switch on Helena's face. Popuk appears, calling her a stupid girl for not escaping, but Helena has a heart that we all know is larger than life. Her next lines will bring feels to even the coldest of hearts. Watching it once live, a second time like always, then once again for this recap to get the lines right, I cry every time.

"We both been abandoned by our families. Left to suffer. I will make it go away. No more pain, little one. Shhhh.... Shhhh... *humming* Sleep now, lamb chop, sleep."

Helena puts Parsons out of his misery, which sets off alarms and sends "Mother" Virginia Coady rushing into the room. Helena immediately calls her out: "You are a shit mother!" Coady then sends the guards to grab Helena and we end the scene with Helena in a fighting stance. She won't go down easily.

This episode leaves me with a few questions. Is that actually the baby clone in the coffin? Did Johanssen use his DNA or the DNA of the clone to make Helena and Gracie's babies? Is there original Castor DNA in the canister hiding in Felix's apartment? Speaking of which, when the hell are they going to find it? We're seeing more of the female and male clones either starting to work together or feeling for the other one's plight. When will we see them turn on everyone else? It seems bound to happen. More answers and even more questions. This show keeps you surprised and guessing, which is why I'll be sitting in front of the TV, tense and biting my nails, next Saturday night.

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